Simulating the lifecycle of molecular Clouds (SILCC)

The SILCC project aims at investigating the processes in the interstellar medium with a focus on the formation of molecular clouds, the formation of stars and the destruction of clouds due to stellar feedback processes like radiation, stellar winds, and supernovae. This international collaboration uses hydrodynamical simulations of a prepresentative part of the galactic disk in a stratified box. The simulations include chemical processes, various flavours of supernova feedback, stellar winds, radiation, and cosmic rays. The project page is here. The two main papers of the project are

A selection of the data is publicly available at the SILCC data website, hosted at the Max-Planck Computing and Data Facility in Garching (MPCDF). An expample video for mixed driving at Kennicutt-Schmidt star formation rate is shown in the following movie, the list of all available movies is below.

other video formats avi (44MB), mov (7MB)


The names of the movies follow the naming convention of the two papers.

videos with 25 fps

no.nametime (sec.)avimovmp4
1 S10-KS-clus2-25fps 48 avi (56M) mov (28M) mp4 (26M)
2 S10-KS-clus-25fps 48 avi (55M) mov (26M) mp4 (24M)
3 S10-KS-clus-mag3-25fps 48 avi (55M) mov (25M) mp4 (23M)
4 S10-KS-mix-25fps 48 avi (43M) mov (21M) mp4 (20M)
5 S10-KS-peak-25fps 48 avi (62M) mov (15M) mp4 (14M)
6 S10-KS-rand-25fps 48 avi (59M) mov (26M) mp4 (24M)
7 S10-KS-rand-nsg-25fps 48 avi (59M) mov (25M) mp4 (23M)

videos with 35 fps

no.nametime (sec.)avimovmp4
1 S10-KS-clus2-35fps 34 avi (40M) mov (24M) mp4 (23M)
2 S10-KS-clus-35fps 34 avi (39M) mov (23M) mp4 (21M)
3 S10-KS-clus-mag3-35fps 34 avi (40M) mov (21M) mp4 (20M)
4 S10-KS-mix-35fps 34 avi (43M) mov (21M) mp4 (20M)
5 S10-KS-peak-35fps 34 avi (45M) mov (13M) mp4 (12M)
6 S10-KS-rand-35fps 34 avi (43M) mov (23M) mp4 (21M)
7 S10-KS-rand-nsg-35fps 34 avi (42M) mov (22M) mp4 (20M)

videos with 50 fps

no.nametime (sec.)avimovmp4
1 S10-KS-clus2-50fps 24 avi (29M) mov (20M) mp4 (19M)
2 S10-KS-clus-50fps 24 avi (28M) mov (19M) mp4 (18M)
3 S10-KS-clus-mag3-50fps 24 avi (28M) mov (18M) mp4 (17M)
4 S10-KS-mix-50fps 24 avi (30M) mov (18M) mp4 (17M)
5 S10-KS-peak-50fps 24 avi (32M) mov (12M) mp4 (11M)
6 S10-KS-rand-50fps 24 avi (30M) mov (19M) mp4 (18M)
7 S10-KS-rand-nsg-50fps 24 avi (30M) mov (19M) mp4 (17M)